"Batty's Mill, Job Batty, Owner." (1879), Hexamer #1375.
Job Batty and Sons Company, 1878
East side of Emerald Street between East Hagert Street and Letterly Street.
© Carmen A. Weber, Irving
Kosmin, and Muriel Kirkpatrick, Workshop of the World (Oliver
Evans Press, 1990).
The four story brick building
on the southeast corner of East Hagert and Emerald
Streets was constructed in 1878 and held the Job Batty
and Sons carpet yarn mill. Shoddy, a yarn produced
from rags (in this case, carpet rags) with the addition
of new wool, was manufactured by Batty, along with woolen
carpet yarn, in the basement and first floor. Batty
employed eighteen hands. A tenant, Joshua Madeley, made
cotton yarn with about twenty hands in the remainder of
the building. 1
1 Hexamer General Survey #1375 (1879)
"Batty's Mill, Job Batty,
Update May
2007 (by
Torben Jenk):
Demolished. Replaced by a new building was built for the
Kensington Culinary Arts High School.